Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Little storm damage and pretty escapees..

Life on my farm is awesome.. It has its rewards, it's ups and downs.. Love the way you can smell the rain before it hits... Storms don't scare me and usually sleep thru them.. And I did sleep through the one we had last night..
I went to feed this morning like I always do, and to my surprise all my pretty Orpingtons come running towards me..
I realized that they hadn't escaped their own but the pen was gone.. If was a temporary one so now I really have to get busy on permanent one..

Silver lace Orpington... They are so pretty..

Chocolate cuckoo Orpington.. Love them as well..

New temporary pens.. Maybe these won't blow away.. Wish they could range free but Hawks and coons would get them...

One never knows how bad a storm will be..especially in Oklahoma..